Who is Amanda Norman Gemstones?
Firstly, Amanda Norman Gemstones is my social media name to distinguish myself from my hubby Mark as between us, we own Gemstone, Tarot and Healing. @amandanormangemstones.
My love of crystal healing
Crystals or gemstones have always attracted me, and I remember my very first introduction.
I must have been about 7 years old when my grandad gave me a shiny, silver rock. He called it moon rock, but he didn’t know what it was. Ever since that day, I was hooked. Also, I remember taking it into my junior school and a teacher telling me that they will find out about it. Sadly, I don’t remember much about it following then and I still have no idea what it was.
Throughout the years, beautiful crystals, mainly polished have always caught my eye and without a doubt, their energy is enticing.
Because of my struggles with anxiety back in 2017, I began trusting my intuition and began looking into crystal healing. In addition, I successfully combined it with my love of creating bracelets. Moreover, I created myself a crystal healing bracelet to assist with managing my anxiety and with that my passion and knowledge for crystals continues growing.
Crystals are no longer simply beautiful bits of stone that I’m unknowingly attracted to. Today, I grow my understanding of how their energy interacts with mine and my clients, which evidently fuels my passion for using them as a holistic form of therapy.
Gemstone Healing
Understanding Universal energy is a fascinating journey to begin and I’m so glad that I embarked upon my spiritual journey.
In the early days of 2018, my gut instinct was to assist others with managing their stress and anxiety. Apart from gemstone healing, my passion for reading the tarot also began returning and this aspect allowed me to go deep within to discover and work on releasing my self-imposed blockages.
As a result of this and learning Reiki, I had the foundation to create myself a new career hence, Gemstone Healing was created.
You know the saying, ‘once you open one door, more will follow’? Well, this is most definitely true.
The magic of the Universe is all around you, especially if you tap into its energy. What was once an initial wish turned into a scary prospect that I could quit my career and explore my passion.
Today, I am a proud joint owner of Gemstone, Tarot and Healing.
I have watched my dream expand into owning a physical shop named, Gemstone and Tarot, that we opened in 2019. Unfortunately, this closed in March 2024, but you can read that story here on our main website.
Gemstone Healing as in this website was largely incorporated into the main website however, I’m resurrecting it.
My intuition is strong, and it needs to be dedicated solely to my crystal healing work.
Summarising Gemstone Healing
Crystals are an integral part of my continuing journey of bettering my health and wellbeing.
My success with using them for manifesting goals, confidence building, managing anxiety and meditating is instrumental for where I am today. You can read about my experiences within my crystal journey.
Finally, during my journey of recovering from anxiety, trauma and you name it, I have learned hypnotherapy and Reiki.
Today, I bring my knowledge and experience into my creative space to assist people like me.
Never give up, and never say never!

Amanda’s Crystal Journal
Amanda loves writing about her findings with crystals.
Clicking the button below will take you to her crystal journal on her company website in a new window.
Amanda Norman Crystal Jewellery
Amanda specialises in creating crystal jewellery that is lovingly infused with Reiki. She also accepts custom requests. Check out her custom healing bracelet service.

Save Money
Amanda offers a number of tempting packages and discounts allowing you to save money.
Clicking the button below will take you to Amanda’s sister websites that lists all of her services.
Save Money
Amanda offers a number of tempting packages and discounts allowing you to save money.
Clicking the button below will take you to Amanda’s sister websites that lists all of her services.